Happy March! It’s time to get my butt in gear and get. stuff. done. I am setting the goal for myself to have the writing of Out of Orbit done by the end of the month. It’s a totally reachable goal, one that would be kind of embarrassing if I didn’t reach it, but I know that life gets in the way sometimes, so the end of the month it is. Ideally, I’ll have it cleaned up and submitted by the end of the month, but I’m giving myself until the twins’ first birthday (mid-April) to get that done.
Around this time last year, my goal was to have Flight of the Dragon Queen finished and submitted by the time the twins were born. I’d have to go back and look to find the exact date, but I’m pretty sure I had it done by the end of March. Good thing, too, considering how early they were!
By writing down my goals here, I’m hoping to create a stronger sense of accountability. If I come back April 1st without having OoO complete, you all have permission to shame me. 😉