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Out of Orbit

Enchant & Excite Media LLC 2025

Caught between the world she knows and the alien she loves, which path will Jasmine choose?

This latest story from Thea Landen starts with a bang and keeps delivering. Sci-fi with just the right mix of romance.

- shawn murphy, Goodreads Reviewer

Well done, steamy, and enjoyable!

- AGMaynard, Goodreads Reviewer

Following an explosive space battle, Captain Jasmine Hale’s escape pod crash lands on an unknown planet. Signaling her crew for help is impossible, leaving her stranded on Ryk. Even as she fights her growing attraction to the planet’s ruler, she dreams of the day when she can return to piloting a ship through the stars.

Aras, leader of the Rykians, hasn’t had contact with a human in five hundred years. Due to his lengthy life span, little excites him until he meets Jasmine. He desires her from the first moment he sees her, longing to ease her anguish while showing her the wonders of his kingdom.

Caught between two worlds, Jasmine struggles with a difficult dilemma—continue searching for a way home or accept her new life with Aras on Ryk. How can she decide when choosing one means leaving the other behind forever?